What are wireframes?

Topics Covered in this Article:

1.       What are wireframes?

2.     When wireframes to be created?

3.       Some of the advantages of wireframes?

4.       How to create wireframes?

5.       Why wireframes are required?

What are wireframes

1.        What are wireframes?

In simple words we can say wireframe is a diagram, Team use this diagram to understand how the developed product should be.  It helps to internal and external stake holders to understand the same.

 If we have good skills, then we can create mockups and proto types also for better understanding and it provides clear picture to the team.

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2.       When wire-frames to be created?

The wireframes or mockups or prototypes should be created before the software development is started. It helps to minimize rework and save the resource time.

If we are following waterfall methodology then wireframes should be created before development stage.

It does not matter how we are preparing the wireframes but ensure it is important that the wireframe designer (UI/UX designer), understands the information that has to be displayed on the screen.

The designer or UI developer has to really understand how the user will interact with the system. If they understand clearly what is the requirement then only they can prepare the wireframes.

So it is very important that requirements should be gathered properly before creating wireframes.

As we discussed in previous articles requirements can be gathered with using multiple elicitation techniques and same will be documented in relevant artifacts.

As requirements will be updated as User Stories or use cases, same will help to        design the wireframes.

3.      Advantages of Wire-frames.

a.      By using wire-frames we can prevent the rework.

b.      It saves resources time.

c.       Wire-frames are easy to use and understand.

d.      It avoids the confusion and misunderstanding within the team members.

e.      Wire-frames are used by the team to have a share understanding of the same information.

f.        Wire-frames are used to help design the user interface.

g.      Coding (Technical) skills not required. 

4.      How to create wire-frames?

There are tools available to create wire-frames. Some of the tools are free and open source; we can use the same to create wire-frames.

And even with using paper and pencil also we can design the wire-frames; or by using white board and pen also we can create the wire-frames, the ultimate goal to create wire-frame is make developers to understand what and how the screen should be.

But using software also has advantages such as data storage, data retrieval and wire-frame reusability. If we use software then we can use this wire-frames in future also when ever required.

To properly create the wire-frames, we need to understand what the buttons to be available in screen are and what the functionality is. And we need to understand what fields to be available on the screen.

By using some open source tools we can create the wire-frames even if you do not have the coding skills.

5.      Why wire-frames are required?

There are so many ways to document the requirements and make development team to understand, but wireframes will help to understand the requirement clearly. Wireframes are easy to draw and easy to understand.


What are wireframes in design?

The designs you received are called wireframes (sometimes called wires, mockups, or mocks). A wireframe is a schematic, a blueprint, useful to help you and your programmers and designers think and communicate about the structure of the software or website you’re building.

What is the use of wireframe?

wireframe is commonly used to lay out content and functionality on a page which takes into account user needs and user journeys. Wireframes are used early in the development process to establish the basic structure of a page before visual design and content is added.

What are wireframes and mockups?

mockup is a static wireframe that includes more stylistic and visual UI details to present a realistic model of what the final page or application will look like. A good way to think of it is that a wireframe is a blueprint and a mockup is a visual model.

What should wireframes include?

wireframe is a two-dimensional illustration of a page’s interface that specifically focuses on space allocation and prioritization of content, functionalities available, and intended behaviors. For these reasons, wireframes typically do not include any styling, color, or graphics.

What are the different types of wireframes?

There are three main types of wireframes: low-fidelity wireframes, mid-fidelity wireframes, and high-fidelity wireframes.

Is Wireframing UX or UI?

Wireframing is a practice used by UX designers which allows them to define and plan the information hierarchy of their design for a website, app, or product. … Without the distractions of colors, typeface choices or text, wireframing lets you plan the layout and interaction of your interface.

What are the Tools used by Business Analyst

Tools used by Business Analyst

Let us discuss about Tools used by Business Analyst

Tools used by  Business Analyst

Tools Used by Business Analyst:

Business Analyst needs to use some tools during the project to make stake holders to understand the requirements clearly.  Let us see some of the commonly and important Tools Used by Business Analyst:

A complicated BA role, Business Analyst  needs to gather the requirements from the client and he needs to ensure that no requirement should be missed. He should prepare the specifications very carefully, because development team will understand the requirements based on the artifacts shared by the Business Analyst, if they understand in different way then development team will deliver what they understand as per the artifact, so it may not be as per client requirement, it leads to project failure.

Every organization is using different tools as per company’s requirement, here we will observe the commonly used to tools.

As a practicing business analyst, I have come across many business analysis tools.

 I read so many articles and blogs in internet to understand what are the tools used by the Business Analyst to prove as a good Business Analyst. I found so many tools in internet, but practically it is very difficult to learn all the tools which I found in internet by the business analyst. Because A business analyst is one who deals with the requirements gathering, elicitation, analysis, and modeling on a day-to-day basis.

Hence, in this article, I focused on commonly  Tools Used by Business Analyst which are used by almost all organizations.

Fundamentally, BusinessAnalyst need following types of business analysis tools:

  • To track requirements
  • To manage the requirements
  • Design the requirements
  • Describe requirements in certain detail
  • Model requirements wherever feasible
  • To collaborate with internal and external stake holders.

Here I am going to mention which are the tools I am using to meet my requirements, am not intended you to learn only these tools and am not promoting any tools.

MS Excel:

Mostly I use Excel to create flow charts and as per the client requirement, can use Excel to track the requirements and for requirement traceability matrix. We can create multiple things with using Excel like Wireframes, Flow charts and to manage the requirements. Excel contains several built-in mathematical and financial functions which will be useful in data analysis

  • Pivot tables
  • Examining the trends in data
  • Sort and filter data
  • Creating charts or graphs

MS Word:

Will use Ms_Word to prepare the multiple documents like FSD , BRD, Release Notes and User Manuals. Most of the stake holders are using the Ms-word to prepare multiple documents.

MS PowerPoint:

Will use power point for presentations. With using powerpoint we can easily explain to stake holders.

Google Search:

If you stuck somewhere and not able to understand what to do and how to do, then Google search will help us to get basic idea. If we need any templates related to documentation also we can get the same with using Google Search.


We can use skype to schedule meetings and we can explain easily via screen sharing to the stake holders. We can easily coordinate with internal and external stake holders with using skype.

Ms _ Visio:

Ms_Visio can be used to draw UML diagrams. We can easily identify with UML diagrams that which actor is doing which task. It will help developers to understand the requirement clearly.

  • UML diagrams creation such as use case, sequence diagrams, and activity diagrams.
  • To prepare process flow charts
  • To create data models
  • To generate architecture diagrams


Ms_Project can be used to track the requirements.


Jira can be used to track the requirements, issues, Change requests. Most of the organizations are using JIRA tool.

Balsamiq, axure and Pencil :

Balsamiq and axure can be used to create mockups to understand the requirement clearly. And easily we can explain to stake holders. Balsamiq Mockups helps business to work faster and smarter. Moreover, it allows projects to host online. In addition to that, it works as a collaboration tool between team and clients.

I hope this provided you the overview of Tools Used by Business Analyst.

Here I mentioned common tools used by Business Analyst, if you want to know more tools used by Business Analyst then you can browse on google.

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Tools Used By Business Analyst : FAQ

What are the tools for business analysis?

Microsoft Office Suite. The following applications of Microsoft office suite come under the best business analysis tools list – …
Google Docs. …
Rational Requisite Pro. …
Balsamiq. …
Pencil. …
Trello. …

What are analytics tools?

What are business analytics tools? Business analytics tools are types of application software that retrieve data from one or more business systems and combine it in a repository, such as a data warehouse, to be reviewed and analyzed


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