Managing Agile Projects with Ease: Jira Tool Explained

Managing Agile Projects with Ease: Jira Tool Explained

Agile project management has become increasingly popular in recent years, thanks to its flexibility, adaptability, and efficiency. But managing agile projects can be a daunting task, especially if you don’t have the right tools to help you stay organized and on track. That’s where Jira comes in. Jira is a powerful project management tool that can help you manage your agile projects with ease. From creating and assigning tasks to tracking progress and collaborating with your team, Jira has everything you need to stay on top of your projects and deliver results. In this article, we’ll explore the ins and outs of Jira and how it can help you manage your agile projects more effectively. Whether you’re a seasoned project manager or just starting out, Jira is a tool that you won’t want to overlook. So, let’s dive in and see what Jira has to offer!

  1. What is Jira and how it supports Agile project management?
  2. Benefits of using Jira for Agile project management
  3. Understanding the Jira interface
  4. Creating a project in Jira
  5. Creating and managing Agile boards in Jira
  6. Creating and managing sprints in Jira
  7. Managing issues and tasks in Jira
  8. Integrating Jira with other Agile tools
  9. Best practices for using Jira for Agile project management
  10. Conclusion
jira tool
jira tool

What is Jira and how it supports Agile project management?

Jira is a project management tool that allows teams to plan, track, and manage their projects. It was developed by Atlassian and is used by thousands of organizations worldwide. Jira supports agile project management by providing teams with a range of features to help them work collaboratively and manage their work effectively.

One of the key features of Jira is its flexibility. The tool can be customized to support different agile methodologies such as Scrum, Kanban, and Lean. Jira allows teams to create and manage agile boards, which can be used to visualize the progress of the project. The boards can be customized to display the information that is most relevant to the team.

Jira also provides teams with a range of tools to help them manage their work. Teams can create and manage issues, which can be used to track tasks, bugs, and other work items. Issues can be assigned to team members, and progress can be tracked using a range of metrics. Jira also provides teams with a range of reports, which can be used to monitor progress and identify areas for improvement.

Benefits of using Jira for Agile project management

Jira provides teams with a range of benefits when it comes to managing agile projects. One of the key benefits of using Jira is that it provides teams with a flexible platform to plan, track, and manage their projects. Jira can be customized to support different agile methodologies, which means that teams can use the tool in a way that works best for them.

Another benefit of using Jira is that it provides teams with a range of tools to help them manage their work. Teams can create and manage issues, which can be used to track tasks, bugs, and other work items. Issues can be assigned to team members, and progress can be tracked using a range of metrics. Jira also provides teams with a range of reports, which can be used to monitor progress and identify areas for improvement.

Jira also provides teams with a range of collaboration tools that enable them to work more effectively together. Teams can use Jira to share documents, communicate with team members, and collaborate on work items. This helps to ensure that everyone is working towards the same goals and that the project is progressing as planned.

Understanding the Jira interface

The Jira interface can be daunting for new users, but it is easy to navigate once you understand how it works. The interface is divided into different sections, each of which provides access to different features of the tool.

The main section of the interface is the project dashboard. The dashboard provides an overview of the project and displays key metrics such as the number of issues, the number of completed tasks, and the progress of the project.

The sidebar provides access to different features of the tool such as issues, boards, sprints, and reports. Users can navigate between these features by clicking on the relevant item in the sidebar.

The top menu bar provides access to other features of the tool such as search, filters, and user management. Users can access these features by clicking on the relevant item in the menu bar.

Creating a project in Jira

Creating a project in Jira is easy. To create a new project, you need to have administrator access to Jira. Once you have access, you can create a new project by following these steps:

  1. Click on the “Projects” link in the sidebar.
  2. Click on the “Create project” button.
  3. Select the type of project you want to create.
  4. Enter a name for your project and select a project key.
  5. Select a project template or create a new one.
  6. Click on the “Create” button to create the project.

Once you have created a project, you can start adding issues, creating boards, and managing sprints.

Creating and managing Agile boards in Jira

Agile boards are an essential feature of Jira. Boards allow teams to visualize the progress of their work and track tasks as they move through different stages of development. To create an agile board in Jira, you need to follow these steps:

  1. Click on the “Boards” link in the sidebar.
  2. Click on the “Create board” button.
  3. Select the type of board you want to create.
  4. Enter a name for your board and select a project.
  5. Select the filter that you want to use for your board.
  6. Click on the “Create” button to create the board.

Once you have created a board, you can customize it to display the information that is most relevant to your team. You can add columns, rearrange the order of the columns, and add filters to control the information that is displayed.

Creating and managing sprints in Jira

Sprints are an essential part of agile project management. Sprints are timeboxed iterations of work that allow teams to focus on delivering a specific set of features or functionality. To create a sprint in Jira, you need to follow these steps:

  1. Click on the “Active sprints” link in the sidebar.
  2. Click on the “Create sprint” button.
  3. Enter a name for your sprint and select the start and end dates.
  4. Select the issues that will be included in the sprint.
  5. Click on the “Create” button to create the sprint.

Once you have created a sprint, you can start working on the tasks that are included in the sprint. You can track progress using the agile board, and you can update the status of tasks as they are completed.

Managing issues and tasks in Jira

Issues and tasks are the building blocks of agile project management. Jira provides teams with a range of tools to help them manage their work, including issues and tasks. To create an issue in Jira, you need to follow these steps:

  1. Click on the “Issues” link in the sidebar.
  2. Click on the “Create issue” button.
  3. Select the project that the issue will belong to.
  4. Enter a summary and description for the issue.
  5. Assign the issue to a team member.
  6. Click on the “Create” button to create the issue.

Once you have created an issue, you can start working on the task. You can update the status of the issue as it moves through different stages of development. You can also add comments, attachments, and other details to the issue to provide context and information.

Integrating Jira with other Agile tools

Jira can be integrated with a range of other agile tools to provide teams with additional functionality and support. Some of the most popular integrations include:

– Confluence: Confluence is a collaboration tool that allows teams to create and share documents, knowledge bases, and other resources. Jira and Confluence can be integrated to provide a seamless experience for teams, allowing them to work more effectively together.

– Bitbucket: Bitbucket is a code hosting and collaboration tool that allows teams to manage their code repositories. Jira and Bitbucket can be integrated to provide a complete software development solution, allowing teams to manage their code, issues, and tasks in one place.

– Slack: Slack is a communication tool that allows teams to collaborate and communicate in real-time. Jira and Slack can be integrated to provide teams with notifications and updates on their work, allowing them to stay up-to-date with the progress of the project.

Best practices for using Jira for Agile project management

To get the most out of Jira for agile project management, it’s important to follow some best practices. Here are some tips to help you get started:

– Customize Jira to support your agile methodology. Jira can be customized to support different agile methodologies, so make sure that you set up the tool to work in a way that supports your team’s approach.

– Use boards to visualize progress. Boards are an essential feature of Jira, so make sure that you use them to visualize the progress of your work and track tasks as they move through different stages of development.

– Keep issues up-to-date. It’s important to keep issues up-to-date and to update the status of tasks as they are completed. This helps to ensure that everyone is working towards the same goals and that the project is progressing as planned.

– Use reports to track progress. Jira provides teams with a range of reports that can be used to track progress and identify areas for improvement. Make sure that you use these reports to monitor progress and identify any issues that need to be addressed.


Jira is a powerful project management tool that provides teams with the flexibility, adaptability, and efficiency they need to manage their agile projects effectively. The tool supports agile methodologies such as Scrum, Kanban, and Lean, and provides teams with a range of features to help them work collaboratively and manage their work effectively. By following best practices and using the tool to its full potential, teams can ensure that their agile projects are delivered on time and to the highest standard. If you’re looking for a tool to manage your agile projects, Jira is definitely worth considering.

From Planning to Execution: How Jira Software Can Help You Deliver Successful Projects

In today’s fast-paced business environment, delivering successful projects is a must for any organization. However, effective project management requires careful planning, precise execution, and constant monitoring to ensure that everything is on track. That’s where Jira Software comes in. This powerful tool can help you streamline your project management process from planning to execution, and deliver successful outcomes every time. Whether you’re working on a software development project or a marketing campaign, Jira Software provides a flexible and customizable platform that can be tailored to your specific needs. With Jira, you can plan, track, and collaborate on tasks and projects, and get real-time insights into your team’s progress. In this article, we’ll explore how Jira Software can help you deliver successful projects, and why it should be an essential part of your project management toolkit. So, let’s dive in!

Jira Software
Jira Software

Benefits of using Jira Software for project management

Jira Software offers several benefits to organizations that adopt it as their project management tool. First and foremost, Jira Software provides a flexible and customizable platform that can be tailored to your specific needs. Whether you’re working on a software development project or a marketing campaign, Jira Software helps you plan, track, and collaborate on tasks and projects, and get real-time insights into your team’s progress.

Another significant benefit of JiraSoftware is that it provides a centralized location for all project-related information. You can use Jira Software to create and manage tasks, sub-tasks, and issues, and assign them to team members. The platform also allows you to set priorities and deadlines, track progress, and monitor timelines. With Jira Software, you can manage your projects more efficiently and effectively, which leads to better outcomes.

Understanding Jira Software features

Before we dive deep into how Jira Software can help you plan and execute your projects, let’s take a look at some of its key features. JiraSoftware provides an intuitive and user-friendly interface that simplifies the project management process. Here are some of the essential features of Jira Software:

### Agile boards

Agile boards are one of the most popular features of JiraSoftware. These boards provide a visual representation of your project’s progress and allow you to manage your backlog, plan sprints, and track tasks. Agile boards also enable you to collaborate with your team members, update task statuses in real-time, and get a quick overview of your project’s health.

### Custom workflows

JiraSoftware allows you to create custom workflows that match your team’s specific needs. Workflows define the stages that tasks go through, from creation to completion, and ensure that everyone is on the same page. You can also set rules and conditions for each workflow stage, such as who can perform specific actions, what fields are required, and what notifications are sent.

### Reporting and analytics

JiraSoftware provides powerful reporting and analytics tools that give you real-time insights into your project’s progress. You can use these tools to track key performance indicators (KPIs), such as task completion rates, sprint velocity, and team productivity. Jira Software also offers customizable dashboards that allow you to monitor your project’s health and identify potential issues before they become problems.

Planning your project with Jira Software

Now that we’ve covered some of the key features of JiraSoftware let’s take a closer look at how you can use the tool to plan your project. The first step in project planning is to create a project in Jira Software. To do this, you’ll need to decide on a project name, key, and description. You’ll also need to select a project template that matches your project’s goals and objectives.

Once you’ve created your project, you can start creating tasks, sub-tasks, and issues. Tasks are the smallest unit of work in JiraSoftware and represent a specific action that needs to be completed. Sub-tasks are smaller tasks that are part of a larger task. Issues are problems or bugs that need to be resolved before work can continue.

Creating tasks, sub-tasks, and issues in Jira Software

Creating tasks, sub-tasks, and issues in JiraSoftware is simple. To create a new task, click on the ‘+’ icon in the top left-hand corner of the screen and select ‘Task’ from the dropdown menu. You can then enter a task name, description, and assignee. You can also set a due date, priority, and add any relevant attachments or comments.

To create a sub-task, click on an existing task and select ‘Create Sub-task’ from the dropdown menu. You can then enter a sub-task name, description, and assignee. You can also set a due date, priority, and add any relevant attachments or comments.

To create an issue, click on the ‘+’ icon in the top left-hand corner of the screen and select ‘Issue’ from the dropdown menu. You can then enter an issue summary, description, and assignee. You can also set a priority and add any relevant attachments or comments.

Assigning tasks and setting priorities in Jira Software

Once you’ve created your tasks, sub-tasks, and issues, the next step is to assign them to team members. To assign a task, click on the task and select ‘Assign’ from the dropdown menu. You can then select the team member you want to assign the task to.

You can also set priorities for your tasks to ensure that the most critical tasks are completed first. To set a priority, click on the task and select ‘Priority’ from the dropdown menu. You can then select the priority level from the options provided.

Tracking progress and managing timelines with Jira Software

JiraSoftware provides several tools for tracking progress and managing timelines. One of the most popular tools is the Agile board, which we discussed earlier. Agile boards allow you to track task progress in real-time, move tasks through different stages, and update task status.

You can also use JiraSoftware’s reporting and analytics tools to monitor your project’s progress. Jira Software provides several built-in reports, such as the Sprint Report and the Burnup Chart, which give you insights into your team’s progress and performance.

Collaborating with team members and stakeholders using Jira Software

Collaboration is critical to project success, and Jira Software provides several tools for collaborating with team members and stakeholders. One of the most popular collaboration tools in JiraSoftware is the Comment feature. You can use this feature to leave comments on tasks, sub-tasks, and issues, ask questions, or provide feedback.

JiraSoftware also allows you to mention team members and stakeholders in your comments or descriptions. When you mention someone, they will receive a notification, and they can respond directly from the notification panel.

Integrating Jira Software with other tools for seamless project management

JiraSoftware integrates with several other tools, such as Confluence, Bitbucket, and Trello, to provide a seamless project management experience. Confluence is a knowledge management tool that allows you to create and share documentation with your team members. Bitbucket is a code hosting and collaboration tool that allows you to manage your code repositories. Trello is a project management tool that provides a visual representation of your project’s progress.

When you integrate Jira Software with these tools, you can streamline your workflow, reduce manual tasks, and improve collaboration between team members.

Tips for successful project management with Jira Software

Here are some tips to help you get the most out of JiraSoftware:

– Define your project goals and objectives before creating your project in JiraSoftware.

– Use custom workflows to match your team’s specific needs.

– Assign tasks and set priorities to ensure that the most critical tasks are completed first.

– Use Agile boards to track task progress in real-time.

– Collaborate with team members and stakeholders using the Comment feature.

– Use Jira Software’s reporting and analytics tools to monitor your project’s progress.

– Integrate JiraSoftware with other tools to streamline your workflow.


In conclusion, Jira Software is a powerful project management tool that can help you plan and execute successful projects. With Jira Software, you can create and manage tasks, sub-tasks, and issues, assign them to team members, track progress, and collaborate with stakeholders. Jira Software also provides several reporting and analytics tools that give you real-time insights into your project’s progress. By following the tips we’ve outlined in this article, you can use Jira Software to its full potential and deliver successful projects every time.

Expert Tips for Effective Remote Project Management

Expert Tips for Effective Remote Project Management

In today’s fast-paced business world, remote project management has become a necessity. With the rise of remote work and the need for flexibility, it’s essential for project managers to have the skills and tools necessary to manage projects from afar. However, managing virtual teams can be challenging, and keeping everyone on track and engaged can be difficult without the right strategies in place. That’s where expert tips for effective remote ProjectManagement come in. Whether you’re a seasoned project manager or new to the field, these tips can help you manage your team effectively, collaborate efficiently, and deliver successful projects on time, every time. From communication strategies to project management software, there are a variety of tools and tactics that can help you succeed in managing remote teams. In this article, we’ll explore some of the best expert tips for effective remote project management and how you can implement them in your own projects.

Topics Covered in this Article

  1. What is remote project management?
  2. Benefits of remote project management
  3. Remote project management statistics
  4. Challenges of remote project management
  5. Tips for effective remote project management
  6. Tools for remote project management
  7. Best practices for remote project management
  8. Communication strategies for remote project management
  9. Remote project management success stories
  10. Conclusion

project management

What is remote project management?

Remote project management is the process of managing projects from afar. This can involve managing virtual teams, coordinating with remote team members, and collaborating on projects using online tools and software. Remote ProjectManagement allows for greater flexibility and can be a more cost-effective way to manage projects, as it eliminates the need for physical office space and allows team members to work from anywhere in the world. With the rise of remote work, remote ProjectManagement has become increasingly important for businesses of all sizes.

Remote project management can involve a variety of tasks and responsibilities, including project planning, team coordination, resource allocation, and risk management. Successful remote project management requires strong communication skills, effective collaboration tools, and a keen understanding of ProjectManagement principles.

Benefits of remote project management

Remote project management offers a number of benefits, including:

  1. **Flexibility:** Remote project management allows team members to work from anywhere in the world, providing greater flexibility and work-life balance.
  2. **Cost-effectiveness:** Remote project management eliminates the need for physical office space and can be a more cost-effective way to manage projects.
  3. **Increased productivity:** Remote team members can work without the distractions of a physical office, leading to increased productivity and efficiency.
  4. **Access to a wider talent pool:** Remote project management allows businesses to tap into a wider talent pool, as team members can be located anywhere in the world.
  5. **Reduced travel time:** With remote project management, team members can collaborate on projects without the need for travel, reducing travel time and expenses.

Remote project management statistics

Remote work is on the rise, and remote project management is becoming increasingly important for businesses. According to a report by Buffer, 98% of remote workers would like to work remotely at least some of the time for the rest of their careers. Additionally, 57% of remote workers say they are more productive when working remotely. Another report by Owl Labs found that companies that allow remote work have a 25% lower employee turnover rate than those that don’t.

Challenges of remote ProjectManagement

While remote project management offers many benefits, it also presents a number of challenges. Some of the most common challenges of remote ProjectManagement include:

  1. **Communication:** Communication can be more difficult when working remotely, as team members may be located in different time zones and have different communication preferences.
  2. **Collaboration:** Collaborating on projects can be more challenging when working remotely, as team members may not have access to the same tools and resources.
  3. **Motivation and engagement:** Keeping team members motivated and engaged can be more difficult when working remotely, as team members may feel isolated or disconnected from the rest of the team.
  4. **Trust:** Building trust between team members can be more difficult when working remotely, as team members may not have the same opportunities to build relationships and rapport with each other.

Tips for effective remote ProjectManagement

To overcome the challenges of remote ProjectManagement and ensure success, there are a number of expert tips that can help. Some of the best tips for effective remote ProjectManagement include:

  1. **Establish clear communication channels:** Clear communication is essential for remote project management. Establish clear communication channels, such as email, instant messaging, and video conferencing, and ensure that all team members understand how to use them effectively.
  2. **Set clear expectations and goals:** Set clear expectations and goals for the project, including timelines, deliverables, and milestones. Ensure that all team members understand their roles and responsibilities and have the resources they need to succeed.
  3. **Use project management software:** ProjectManagement software, such as Trello, Asana, or Basecamp, can help you manage remote teams more effectively. These tools allow you to track progress, assign tasks, and collaborate on projects in real-time.
  4. **Schedule regular check-ins:** Schedule regular check-ins with team members to ensure that everyone is on track and to address any issues or concerns that arise. These check-ins can be done via video conferencing or instant messaging.
  5. **Encourage collaboration and teamwork:** Encourage collaboration and teamwork among remote team members. Use online collaboration tools, such as Google Docs or Slack, to facilitate communication and collaboration on projects.
  6. **Provide regular feedback:** Provide regular feedback to team members, both positive and constructive, to help them improve and stay motivated. Use video conferencing or instant messaging to provide feedback in real-time.
  7. **Build relationships and trust:** Building relationships and trust between remote team members is essential for success. Use video conferencing and other online tools to facilitate team-building activities and foster a sense of community among remote team members.

Tools for remote ProjectManagement

There are a variety of tools and software available to help you manage remote teams more effectively. Some of the best tools for remote ProjectManagement include:

  1. **Trello:** Trello is a project management tool that allows you to create boards, lists, and cards to organize and prioritize tasks. It also allows you to collaborate with team members in real-time and track progress on projects.
  2. **Asana:** Asana is a project management tool that allows you to create tasks, assign them to team members, and track progress in real-time. It also includes a variety of collaboration features, such as commenting, file sharing, and team messaging.
  3. **Basecamp:** Basecamp is a project management tool that allows you to manage projects, assign tasks, and collaborate with team members. It also includes features such as scheduling, file sharing, and team messaging.
  4. **Slack:** Slack is a team messaging tool that allows you to communicate with team members in real-time. It includes features such as channels, direct messaging, and file sharing.
  5. **Google Docs:** Google Docs is a collaboration tool that allows you to create and share documents, spreadsheets, and presentations in real-time. It also includes commenting and collaboration features, such as suggesting edits and tracking changes.

Best practices for remote ProjectManagement

To ensure success in remote ProjectManagement, there are a number of best practices that you should follow. Some of the best practices for remote project management include:

  1. **Communicate regularly:** Regular communication is essential for remote project management. Schedule regular check-ins with team members and use online communication tools to stay in touch.
  2. **Be flexible:** Remote work requires flexibility. Be open to new ideas and approaches and be willing to adjust your plans as needed.
  3. **Set clear expectations:** Set clear expectations and goals for the project and ensure that all team members understand their roles and responsibilities.
  4. **Encourage collaboration and teamwork:** Encourage collaboration and teamwork among remote team members, using online collaboration tools and team-building activities.
  5. **Provide regular feedback:** Provide regular feedback to team members to help them improve and stay motivated.
  6. **Use project management software:** Use ProjectManagement software to track progress, assign tasks, and collaborate on projects in real-time.
  7. **Build relationships and trust:** Building relationships and trust between remote team members is essential for success. Use video conferencing and other online tools to facilitate team-building activities and foster a sense of community among remote team members.

Communication strategies for remote ProjectManagement

Effective communication is essential for success in remote project management. To ensure that your communication strategies are effective, there are a number of best practices that you should follow. Some of the best communication strategies for remote ProjectManagement include:

  1. **Establish clear communication channels:** Establish clear communication channels, such as email, instant messaging, and video conferencing, and ensure that all team members understand how to use them effectively.
  2. **Use video conferencing:** Use video conferencing to facilitate face-to-face communication and build relationships between remote team members.
  3. **Be concise:** Be concise in your communication, using clear and simple language to convey your message.
  4. **Listen actively:** Listen actively to team members and ensure that their concerns and ideas are heard and understood.
  5. **Be responsive:** Be responsive to team members, responding to their messages and inquiries in a timely manner.
  6. **Encourage open communication:** Encourage open communication among team members, fostering an environment of transparency and honesty.

Remote ProjectManagement success stories

Remote ProjectManagement has been successful for many businesses and organizations. For example, Automattic, the company behind WordPress, is a fully remote company with over 1,000 employees located in more than 70 countries. The company has been able to successfully manage projects and collaborate on software development using remote ProjectManagement strategies. Another example is the software company GitLab, which is also fully remote and has over 1,300 employees located around the world. The company has been able to successfully manage projects and collaborate on software development using a combination of communication tools and ProjectManagement software.


Remote project management is becoming increasingly important for businesses of all sizes. By following expert tips and best practices, using the right tools and software, and fostering strong communication and collaboration among remote team members, you can successfully manage projects from afar. Whether you’re a seasoned project manager or new to the field, these tips can help you manage your team effectively, collaborate efficiently, and deliver successful projects on time, every time.

Who is project Manager & what they do?

The Benefits of Using RACI in Teamwork and Collaboration

What is Bug in Software Development?

Topics covered in this article.

  1. Definition of a bug in software development.
  2. Types of bugs and their impact on software.
  3. How to identify and report bugs.
  4. Best practices for bug tracking and management.
  5. Importance of testing and quality assurance in preventing bugs.
  6. What is Bug?
  7. What are the things may  lead to Bug?
    •                    Poor communication
    •                    Unstable environments
    •                    Inefficient tools
    •                    Excessive scrutiny of source code
What is Bug
What is Bug

In software development, a bug refers to an error or flaw in a program that causes it to behave unexpectedly or not function properly. Bugs can be frustrating for developers and users alike, but understanding how to identify and handle them is crucial for successful project management. Read on to learn more about bugs and how to deal with them in your software development projects.

1.Definition of a bug in software development.

A bug in software development refers to an error or flaw in a program that causes it to behave unexpectedly or not function properly. Bugs can range from minor issues, such as a misspelled word or a broken link, to major problems that can cause the entire program to crash. Identifying and fixing bugs is an important part of the software development process, as it ensures that the program is functioning as intended and meets the needs of its users.

2. Types of bugs and their impact on software.

There are several types of bugs that can impact software development, including syntax errors, logic errors, and runtime errors. Syntax errors occur when the code is not written correctly and the program cannot be compiled. Logic errors occur when the code is written correctly, but the program does not behave as intended. Runtime errors occur when the program is running and encounters an unexpected problem, such as running out of memory. These bugs can have a significant impact on the functionality and usability of the software, and it is important to identify and fix them as soon as possible.

3. How to identify and report bugs.

Identifying and reporting bugs is an essential part of software development. To identify a bug, you should first reproduce the problem and then try to isolate the cause. Once you have identified the bug, you should report it to the development team using a bug tracking system. The report should include a detailed description of the problem, steps to reproduce it, and any relevant screenshots or error messages. The development team can then prioritize and fix the bug, ensuring that the software is functioning as intended.

4. Best practices for bug tracking and management.

Effective bug tracking and management is crucial for successful software development. Here are some best practices to follow:

1. Use a bug tracking system to keep track of all reported bugs.
2. Prioritize bugs based on their severity and impact on the software.
3. Assign bugs to specific team members for resolution.
4. Communicate regularly with the development team to ensure bugs are    being addressed.
5. Test fixes thoroughly before releasing them to production.
6. Keep stakeholders informed of bug status and resolution progress.
7. Continuously monitor and analyze bug data to identify patterns and areas for improvement.

5. Importance of testing and quality assurance in preventing bugs.

Testing and quality assurance play a critical role in preventing bugs in software development. By thoroughly testing software before release, developers can identify and fix issues before they become major problems for users. Quality assurance processes, such as code reviews and automated testing, can also help catch bugs early in the development process. It’s important to prioritize testing and quality assurance as part of your overall software development strategy to ensure a high-quality product for your users.

6.What is Bug ?

In recent years, Bug in Software Development has come to be a term for anything that can take the focus away from delivering quality code and leading to defects. Bugs may come from design flaws and poor coding practices, but they can also come from the environment and tools we work with. By understanding how these factors can impact our work, we can start to address them and reduce the incidence of Bug in Software Development.

7. What are the things may  lead to Bug?

1. Poor communication

Software development is all about collaboration and coordination, but if communication is poor it becomes difficult to achieve objectives. Poor communication can lead to misunderstandings and tension between team members, which in turn can result in defects. Effective communication requires both clear and concise messaging, as well as a willingness to listen attentively. When everyone on the team understands what’s expected of them, issues are less likely to arise.

2. Unstable environments

No matter how talented or skilled a developer may be, if their environment is unstable they will struggle to produce quality code. Unstable environments can include machines that are malfunctioning or not up-to-date with changes made elsewhere in the company, or inconsistent software versions that make it difficult to debug problems. By remedying any issues that arise quickly, developers are able to stay focused on their task at hand and avoid Bug in Software Development.

3. Inefficient tools

Software development is an evolving process that always requires new technologies and approaches to be adopted in order for projects to move forwards smoothly. Unfortunately, not all tools are created equal – even popular ones – and some are far more efficient than others when it comes to tackling specific tasks. If a particular tool doesn’t suit the way you work best or isn’t being used by your teammates then it will be harder for you deliver quality code outcomes. It’s important to select the right tool for the job before starting working so that everyone involved is optimally productive.

4. Excessive scrutiny of source code

It’s tempting when working on important projects to inspect every line of source code meticulously in an effort to identify any potential faults ASAP. However, this mindset often leads to over-testing and stressing out project staff unnecessarily. A more effective approach isto have well-defined tests covering as many scenarios as possible in order for defects to be found as early as possible during testing phases

Below articles also can help you to provide overview on what is Bug ?

  1. What is defect in software development
  2. What is defect in software development
  3. Bug Life Cycle / What is Defect Life Cycle ?

7 Standard Business Analyst Documents and Its Uses

As a business analyst, understanding the documents needed to move a project forward is key. From requirements and reports to project plans and user stories, the right documents can help manage resources, time, and costs while ensuring the desired objectives are met. Explore seven essential business analyst documents here.

Business Analyst Documents
Business Analyst Documents

Business Requirements Document (BRD).

The Business Requirements Document (BRD) provides a comprehensive overview of the business requirements that must be met in order for the proposed project or system to be successful. It outlines the scope, process flow, objectives, and deliverables for each phase of the project. This document generally forms part of the project charter, which provides an outline of all stakeholders involved in the project, defines purpose and scope and clarifies roles and responsibilities.

Requirements Traceability Matrix (RTM).

The Requirements Traceability Matrix (RTM) is a document that maps out the business and technical requirements between the project phases. It serves as an audit trail for tracking progress on the project. The RTM helps ensure that all of the requirements have been implemented in a timely and accurate manner, enabling teams to track changes in design or implementation when needed. This document can be used as reference throughout the life cycle of the project to maintain clear communication among stakeholders, identify any gaps or redundancies, and manage risk.

SOW and Acceptance Criteria.

The Statement of Work (SOW) is a document that outlines the scope, timeline, and deliverables expected in the work agreement between the business analyst and their client. The Acceptance Criteria is used to define and validate successful completion of project tasks or deliverables. It sets out the conditions that must be met for a result or deliverable to be accepted by all stakeholders as required quality. By including both documents in the project requirements, stakeholders can detect errors early on and ensure expectations are managed appropriately.

Process Flows / Workflows.

Process Flows, also known as Workflows, are visual diagrams that illustrate the flow of activities and tasks that must be completed in order to achieve a particular goal. Process Flow diagrams are particularly useful for identifying potential areas of improvement and automation opportunities. Additionally, they can help members from all cross-functional teams understand the overall process better and how their individual contributions impact each other’s work.

Use Cases and User Stories.

A Use Case is a document that outlines the different steps or scenarios necessary to complete an activity. For example, if you are designing a website, you would likely create several use cases, such as one outlining the steps necessary to buy a product and another outlining the process for creating a new user account. User Stories are similar to Use Cases in that they document the different scenarios necessary to achieve a goal. However, User Stories generally focus on how users interact with the product rather than what tasks need to be completed. This can also help stakeholders understand potential user needs better and improve usability of products and services.

Tools required for Business Analyst

Tools required for Business Analyst

Tools required for Business Analyst,  As a business analyst, having the right tools and resources in your arsenal is essential. From software applications to communication and collaboration tools, there are many options to help you stay organized and get the job done efficiently. We’ve compiled a list of eight essential tools that every modern BA should have in their toolkit.

Tools required for Business Analyst

Project Management Software.

To manage tasks, track progress and assignments, collaborate with stakeholders, and monitor deadlines, project management software is essential. Project management software helps to organize projects and stay on top of deliverables while tracking the progress of your team in real-time. Popular cloud-based tools such as Asana or Trello are ideal for visualizing project timelines, assigning tasks, and monitoring due dates.

Data and Business Intelligence Tools.

Being able to access and analyze data is fundamental for business analysts. To explore and manipulate data, you need powerful and reliable data analysis tools. Tableau or Power BI are great platforms frequently used in corporate environments as they offer an easy way to create visualizations and reports. Additionally, Microsoft Excel is still one of the most widely used software packages among business professionals and can be used to answer many questions related to businesses’ performance and strategy.

Process Mapping Software.

If you want to get a better understanding of the workflow within your organization, process mapping software such as Lucidchart can help. This type of application will allow you to visualize the entire system, helping you to identify where there are bottlenecks or inefficiencies. It also helps you identify redundancies and processes that can be automated with the help of business process modeling solutions.

Reporting Tools.

A high-quality reporting tool is essential for business analysts. This type of software helps you to create data visualizations which can be used to communicate findings from data analysis and form the basis of future decision making. Reporting tools such as Microsoft Power BI, Tableau and QlikView are all popular options with business analysts. The software enables the user to create intuitive dashboards to present their analysis in an easily digestible format.

Collaboration Platforms.

Collaboration platforms such as Google Suite and Microsoft Office 365 are essential for any business analyst. These platforms allow you to share documents, presentations, worksheets with team members, enabling them to work collaboratively from anywhere. The cloud-based tools also make it easy to manage projects by allowing you to assign tasks and set due dates for any deliverables, ensuring everything is on track with ease.

Below articles also can help you to understand , Tools required for Business Analyst

  1. The 19 Best Data Visualization Tools and Software for 2022
  2. What are the Tools used by Business Analyst

Organizational modelling in business analysis

Organizational modelling is a way to study customer behavior in order to improve service delivery. It helps companies understand their customers’ needs and preferences, which allows them to create products that meet those needs.

Organizational Modelling
Organizational Modelling

Define your customer segments.

Customer segmentation is one of the first steps in creating a model. This involves defining different groups of people based on their buying patterns, demographics, and other characteristics. Once you’ve defined these groups, you’ll need to determine what each group wants and needs. You can use surveys to gather data about your customers.

Identify your target audience.

Once you’ve identified your customer segments, you’ll need to decide who will represent them. You should choose individuals who are knowledgeable about your product or service and who can speak to your brand’s values. These representatives will help you communicate with your customers and build relationships with them.

Create personas.

Personas are fictional characters that represent different groups of people within your organization. They’re used to help you identify what your customers really care about.

Develop scenarios.

Once you’ve identified your customer persona(s), you’ll need to develop scenarios that will help you understand them better. Scenarios are stories that describe real situations where your customers might find themselves. You can use these scenarios to test out ideas, determine whether your product or service would work well in certain situations, and more.

Map out your marketing strategy.

A good place to start when developing your marketing plan is by mapping out your current situation. This includes identifying your strengths and weaknesses as well as what you’re doing now to market yourself. It’s also helpful to think about who your ideal customer is and why he or she should buy from you.

1. Business Model Canvas

The business model canvas is a visual tool that helps us understand how our customers interact with our products and services. It provides a framework for understanding the value proposition of our offering. It is a simple diagram that shows the customer journey, and the different touchpoints along the way.

2. Value Proposition Canvas

A value proposition canvas is similar to a business model canvas, except that it focuses on the value we offer to our customers rather than the product features. A value proposition canvas helps us identify what makes our company unique, and what value we provide to our customers.

3. Customer Journey Map

A customer journey map is a visual representation of the path that customers take to purchase our products and services. We use it to understand where they get stuck, and what their pain points are.

4. Market Segmentation Matrix

Market segmentation is the process of dividing a market into groups based on specific characteristics. In business analysis, we use a matrix to group our potential customers into segments based on their buying behavior. Each row represents a segment, and each column represents a characteristic.

5. Personas

Personas are fictional characters that represent our ideal customer. They help us understand who our target audience is, and what motivates them to buy our products and services.

6. Scenarios

Scenarios are hypothetical situations that help us understand how our customers behave under various conditions. They allow us to test assumptions about how they would react to certain events.

7. Use Cases

Use cases are stories that describe how our customers actually use our products and services. They help us understand how our offerings fit into their daily lives.

1. Business Analysis (BA)

Business analysis is a method of documenting the requirements of a project or program. BA involves gathering information about the customer’s needs, defining those needs, analyzing them, and then developing solutions to meet those needs. In short, BA is a way to ensure that the client gets what they want and that the solution meets their needs.

2. Organizational Modelling

Organizational modelling is a technique used to model the structure of a company. It is a way to understand how the various parts of a company fit together. It is often used to help companies make decisions about organizational changes.

3. Requirements Engineering

Requirements engineering is a discipline that focuses on identifying, capturing, and communicating the requirements of a system. Requirements engineers use techniques like interviews, surveys, and workshops to gather information about the users’ needs. Once the requirements have been identified, they are documented using formal methods.

4. Solution Architecture

Solution architecture is a term that refers to the design of software systems. A solution architect creates a plan for the software system based on the requirements gathered from the user. The solution architect may create a high-level design document that describes the components of the system and how they interact.

5. Software Architecture

Software architecture is the set of rules that govern the creation of software. These rules are created by developers who write code. The goal of software architecture is to ensure that the software works properly and efficiently.

6. System Development Life Cycle (SDLC)

The system development life cycle (SDLC) is a framework for managing projects. It consists of five major steps: initiation, planning, execution, monitoring, and closure. Each step of the SDLC is broken down into smaller tasks.

7. Waterfall Method

Waterfall methodology is a sequential approach to software development. It is a linear process where each phase builds upon the previous phase. The waterfall method is commonly used for large, complex programs.

I hope this article helped you to provide overview on Organizational Modelling .

What Is Trello? How To Use Trello

What is trello
What is trello ?

What Is Trello?

Why Should You UseTrello?

How Do I Start A Project InTrello?

How Can I Add Members To My Team?

How Do I Manage Projects?

what are the advantages ofTrello

Here are some of the features

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* Add checkboxes to indicate whether a task is done or not

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* Assign a color to each list

* Tag cards with keywords

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* Share links to cards via email, Twitter, Facebook, etc.

* Easily share a link to a specific card

* View a history of changes to a card

* See what cards have been assigned to you

* And much more!

The 19 Best Data Visualization Tools and Software for 2022

What are the Tools used by Business Analyst

Requirements Traceability Matrix

10 Tips for Writing Better Requirements Traceability Matrix

Requirements traceability matrix (RTMs) are used in software development to show which requirements came from which source documents. They’re also useful for tracking down requirements that aren’t clear or documented well.

What is Requirements Traceability Matrix
Requirements Traceability Matrix


  1. Write down what you want to measure.
  1. Determine how much you need to measure.
  1. Decide if you need to measure at the unit level or the item level.
  1. Determine if you need to measure quantity or quality.
  1. Determine whether you need to measure frequency or duration.
  1. Determine whether you should use quantitative or qualitative data.
  1. Determine if you should use absolute or relative units.
  1. Determine whether you want to have a single measurement or multiple measurements.
  1. Determine whether you will use a numeric scale or a rating scale.
  1. Determine how many categories you want to have.

Start with an Overview Map.

An overview map is a visual representation of the project’s scope. You should start by creating an overview map that includes all the major features of the system. This will help you understand the big picture and make sure you haven’t missed anything.

Identify the Key Players.

Once you’ve identified the key players, you’ll need to determine who owns them. Who has authority over the people involved in the project? What are their roles? Are there any conflicts of interest?

Create a Matrix.

You can use a spreadsheet to create a requirements traceability matrix. Start by listing the stakeholders and their roles. Then list the requirements and their sources. Finally, add notes about the relationships between the requirements.

Add Details.

If you’re not sure whether a requirement exists, ask yourself these questions: Is there an existing document that describes this requirement? Does the stakeholder mention it during a meeting? Do I need to write something new?

Check for Conflicts.

If you find that a requirement conflicts with another requirement, consider removing one of them. This will help you avoid creating unnecessary work for yourself.

  1. Define the scope of the Requirements Traceability Matrix (RTM)

The first step to writing a good RTM is defining what exactly you want to accomplish. What do you need to document? Do you just want to track down where a requirement came from? Or do you want to know how many times a requirement was reused? Is it enough to simply identify the original author and date of creation? Or do you need to know who else had access to the requirement? How about who approved it? Who reviewed it? And finally, what does it mean if someone else changed the requirement after it was created?

  1. Identify the stakeholders involved in the requirements lifecycle

Once you have defined the scope of the RTM, you should start thinking about who might be interested in seeing it. Are you documenting only internal processes? Or are you trying to capture information about external suppliers and customers? If you’re looking at tracking down where a requirement comes from, then you’ll probably want to focus on people inside your organization. But if you’re trying to understand how often a requirement is reused, then you’ll likely want to look outside your company. You may even want to consider including some of your vendors or partners.

  1. Identify the purpose of the Requirements Traceability Matrix

You’ve got to decide whether you want to create an RTM for documentation purposes or to help improve business practices. If you’re doing the former, then you don’t necessarily need to worry about the latter. However, if you’re trying to use the RTM to improve business practices, then you’ll need to think about how you can make sure that the data you collect is actually useful.

  1. Decide how much detail you need

If you’re going to write a detailed RTM, then you’ll need a lot of different fields. But if you’re not planning on collecting a ton of information, then you can get away with fewer fields. In fact, you could even skip the author field altogether.

  1. Determine how frequently you need to update the Requirements Traceability Matrix

How often do you plan on updating the RTM? Once a month? Every time a change is made? Every time a new requirement is added? Every time a requirement is deleted? Whatever frequency you choose, you’ll need to figure out how you’re going to keep the data current.

  1. Choose a format

There are lots of ways to store the data collected in an RTM. You could use spreadsheets, databases, or even text files. Each method has its own advantages and disadvantages. So before you start building your RTM, you’ll want to weigh those options carefully.

  1. Make sure you have the right tools

Depending on the type of RTM you’re creating, you may need special software or templates. For example, if you’re using a spreadsheet, then you’ll need something like Excel. If you’re using a database, then you’ll need SQL Server or MySQL. If you’re using text files, then you’ll need some kind of text editor.

  1. What is Requirement Traceability Matrix (RTM)?
  2. What are the Tools used by Business Analyst?

10 Tips for Writing Better Requirements Traceability Matrix

Requirements traceability matrix (RTMs) are used in software development to show which requirements came from which source documents. They’re also useful for tracking down requirements that aren’t clear or documented well.

What is Requirements Traceability Matrix
Requirements Traceability Matrix
  1. Write down what you want to measure.


  1. Determine how much you need to measure.


  1. Decide if you need to measure at the unit level or the item level.


  1. Determine if you need to measure quantity or quality.


  1. Determine whether you need to measure frequency or duration.


  1. Determine whether you should use quantitative or qualitative data.


  1. Determine if you should use absolute or relative units.


  1. Determine whether you want to have a single measurement or multiple measurements.


  1. Determine whether you will use a numeric scale or a rating scale.


  1. Determine how many categories you want to have.


Start with an Overview Map.

An overview map is a visual representation of the project’s scope. You should start by creating an overview map that includes all the major features of the system. This will help you understand the big picture and make sure you haven’t missed anything.


Identify the Key Players.

Once you’ve identified the key players, you’ll need to determine who owns them. Who has authority over the people involved in the project? What are their roles? Are there any conflicts of interest?


Create a Matrix.

You can use a spreadsheet to create a requirements traceability matrix. Start by listing the stakeholders and their roles. Then list the requirements and their sources. Finally, add notes about the relationships between the requirements.


Add Details.

If you’re not sure whether a requirement exists, ask yourself these questions: Is there an existing document that describes this requirement? Does the stakeholder mention it during a meeting? Do I need to write something new?


Check for Conflicts.

If you find that a requirement conflicts with another requirement, consider removing one of them. This will help you avoid creating unnecessary work for yourself.


  1. Define the scope of the Requirements Traceability Matrix (RTM)


The first step to writing a good RTM is defining what exactly you want to accomplish. What do you need to document? Do you just want to track down where a requirement came from? Or do you want to know how many times a requirement was reused? Is it enough to simply identify the original author and date of creation? Or do you need to know who else had access to the requirement? How about who approved it? Who reviewed it? And finally, what does it mean if someone else changed the requirement after it was created?


  1. Identify the stakeholders involved in the requirements lifecycle


Once you have defined the scope of the RTM, you should start thinking about who might be interested in seeing it. Are you documenting only internal processes? Or are you trying to capture information about external suppliers and customers? If you’re looking at tracking down where a requirement comes from, then you’ll probably want to focus on people inside your organization. But if you’re trying to understand how often a requirement is reused, then you’ll likely want to look outside your company. You may even want to consider including some of your vendors or partners.


  1. Identify the purpose of the Requirements Traceability Matrix


You’ve got to decide whether you want to create an RTM for documentation purposes or to help improve business practices. If you’re doing the former, then you don’t necessarily need to worry about the latter. However, if you’re trying to use the RTM to improve business practices, then you’ll need to think about how you can make sure that the data you collect is actually useful.


  1. Decide how much detail you need


If you’re going to write a detailed RTM, then you’ll need a lot of different fields. But if you’re not planning on collecting a ton of information, then you can get away with fewer fields. In fact, you could even skip the author field altogether.


  1. Determine how frequently you need to update the Requirements Traceability Matrix


How often do you plan on updating the RTM? Once a month? Every time a change is made? Every time a new requirement is added? Every time a requirement is deleted? Whatever frequency you choose, you’ll need to figure out how you’re going to keep the data current.


  1. Choose a format


There are lots of ways to store the data collected in an RTM. You could use spreadsheets, databases, or even text files. Each method has its own advantages and disadvantages. So before you start building your RTM, you’ll want to weigh those options carefully.


  1. Make sure you have the right tools


Depending on the type of RTM you’re creating, you may need special software or templates. For example, if you’re using a spreadsheet, then you’ll need something like Excel. If you’re using a database, then you’ll need SQL Server or MySQL. If you’re using text files, then you’ll need some kind of text editor.

  1. What is Requirement Traceability Matrix (RTM)?
  2. What are the Tools used by Business Analyst?

What are the 3 types of requirements traceability matrix?

There are three types of RTM: forward traceability, backward traceability, and bidirectional traceability.

  • Forward Traceability. Forward traceability is used to map the requirements to the test cases. …
  • Backward Traceability Matrix. …
  • Bidirectional Traceability.

What is requirement traceability matrix with example?

Requirement Traceability Matrix (RTM) is a document that maps and traces user requirement with test cases. It captures all requirements proposed by the client and requirement traceability in a single document, delivered at the conclusion of the Software development life cycle.

What is requirements traceability matrix in project management?

What is the requirement traceability matrix? The Requirements Traceability Matrix (RTM) is a tool or a document that helps project managers establish and track the project progress. It helps monitor deliveries by providing a digital thread for each demand from the beginning to the end of the project.

What is requirement traceability matrix and why it is important?

Definition: Requirements Traceability Matrix (RTM) is a document used to ensure that the requirements defined for a system are linked at every point during the verification process. It also ensures that they are duly tested with respect to test parameters and protocols.

What is Requirements Traceability Matrix give example?

A traceability matrix is a document that details the technical requirements for a given test scenario and its current state. It helps the testing team understand the level of testing that is done for a given product. The traceability process itself is used to review the test cases that were defined for any requirement

Is Requirements Traceability Matrix required in agile?

Requirements Traceability Matrix is a testing artifact that keeps track of all the user requirements and the details of the test cases mapped to each of those requirements. It serves as a documented proof that all the requirements have been accounted for and validated to achieve their end purpose.

Which phase is Requirements Traceability Matrix prepared?

Requirement Traceability Matrix (RTM) or Cross Reference Matrix are other names for it (CRM). It is produced prior to the test execution process to ensure that all requirements are addressed in the form of a Test case, ensuring that no testing is missed.

Who is responsible for requirements traceability matrix?

The main question should be: who is going to create and maintain the RTM? The best person to do so within your project organization should be the one performing the configuration control. In fact, every item in the RTM refers to an entity that must be under configuration control.

How do you trace requirements?

You can trace forward from requirements by defining links between individual requirements and specific product elements. Specific product elements [may be traced] backward to requirements so that you know why each item was created.”

What is advantage of Requirements traceability matrix?

Traceability helps you measure your team’s success effectively, by letting you check if the most important business needs have been met. Traceability matrices make it easy for you to track the relationship between requirements, code, test cases and release plans

Data Modeling challenges / Data Mapping Challenges

Data Modeling challenges

data modeling challenges
data modeling challenges

Despite all the benefits data mapping brings to businesses, it’s not without its own set of challenges. Mapping data fields Mapping data fields directly is essential for getting the asked results from your data migration design.

Still, this can be delicate if the source and destination fields have different names or different formats (e.g., textbook, figures, dates). Either, in the case of homemade data mapping, it can be exhausting to collude hundreds of different data fields. Over time, workers may come prone to miscalculations which will ultimately lead to data disagreement and confusing data.

Automated data mapping tools address this issue by introducing automated workflow to this process. Technical expertise Another handicap is that data mapping requires the knowledge of SQL, Python, R, or any other programming language. Sales or marketing specialists use dozens of different data sources which should be counterplotted to uncover useful perceptivity.

Unfortunately, just a small part of these workers knows how to use programming languages. In utmost cases, they’ve to involve the tech platoon in the process. Still, the tech platoon has its own tasks and may not respond to the request this moment. Ultimately, a simple connection between two data sources might take a long time or indeed turn into an everlasting chain of tasks in developers â backlog.

A hardly- concentrated data mapping result could help non-technical brigades with their data integration needs. A drag and drop functionality make it easy to match data fields indeed without knowledge of any programming language. Automated tools make the task indeed easier by shouldering all data mapping tasks. With law-free data mapping, judges can get practicable perceptivity in no time. Data sanctification and harmonization Raw data is by no means useful for a data integration process.

First of all, data professionals have to cleanse the original dataset from duplicates, empty fields, and other types of inapplicable data. That’s a lengthy and quite a routine process if done manually. According to the Forbes check, data scientists spend 80 of their time on data collection, sanctification, and organization.

How data scientists spend their working hours

There’s no escape from this task. Data integration and data migration processes that revolve around unnormalized data will take you nowhere.

More interestingly, five questions always emerge

  • What do you do with the data that doesn’t chart anywhere (ignore?)?
  • How do you get data that doesn’t live that’s needed for the mapping (gaps)?
  • How do you insure the delicacy of the semantic mapping between data fields?
  • What do you do with nulls?
  • What do you do with empty fields?
  • The single topmost assignment in all this?

Make sure data is clean before you resettle, and make sure processes are harmonized! He couldn’t be more right! There’s only one gemstone-solid way to automate data sanctification and normalization. ETL systems can prize data from distant sources, homogenize it, and store it in a centralized data storehouse. Automated data channels take the workload off judges and data specialists, allowing them to concentrate on their primary tasks.

What is data Mapping ?

I have tried to capture the Data Modeling Challenges which may occur during the data mapping. 


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